How to find the iCal address for a public Google calendar Every Google calendar URL has an iCal file you can use... here's how to find it.
How to make a dark mode with CSS Every time I learn some new piece of CSS I'm amazed at how flexible and powerful it is. Like how easy it is to tailor your site for your visitor's "dark mode" preference!
Deploy your own RequestBin in under 5 minutes If you need to consume a webhook from another service, or verify the payload being sent from your own REST API endpoint, RequestBin can help. It intercepts and displays the contents of any call made to it. Here's how to deploy your own instance in just a few minutes.
Why are websites requesting access to motion sensors... on my desktop? I was checking the status of a FedEx order when Brave warned me that "this site has been blocked from accessing your motion sensors". I'm struggling to understand why a website would need that access. Do I get a different experience if I drop my device? Tip my monitor over? Spin the mouse around?
Hands-on Ansible, using two DigitalOcean Ubuntu droplets Today I'm wrapping my head around a build tool called Ansible, used for deploying machines in a scriptable, repeatable manner. Follow along as I step through an excellent tutorial from DigitalOcean, applying what I learn to a couple DO Ubuntu VMs... the $5/mo ones - nothing fancy needed!
Replacing Gmail (and its office suite) with Google provides some amazing tools, but at what cost to privacy? One of the biggest blockers in eliminating them has been finding a reliable and affordable replacement for email (and ideally, calendar, documents, tasks, etc too). Well I may have finally found it, in
Add and subtract time from a DateTime structure in Erlang I was trying to add times in Erlang, but couldn't find an existing function, so I wrote my own.