Hello World for the Raspberry Pi - Making an LED Blink I unboxed my Raspberry Pi a few weeks ago and started learning Python. Let's code the "Hello World" of the Pi, and make an LED blink.
Implicit vs Explicit Conversion in C# We use implicit and explicit conversion in C# all the time, without even realizing it. Let's learn more about them and look at examples of each.
Obsolete Attribute on a Class is Ignored When an Interface is Involved The Obsolete attribute on a class is ignored when an interface is involved. It caught me by surprise, but makes sense. Let's see why.
An Extension Method to Pass a Column Name to SqlDataReader.GetFieldValue Let's combine the SqlDataReader's GetFieldValue and GetOrdinal methods into an extension method that lets us pass a column name and get back a specific type.
Passing Data Between Forms in WinForms Passing data between two Forms is very common in WinForms. There's a couple ways to do it, and one's better than the other. Let's take a look.
Filtering a ListView in WPF Using a TextBox and CollectionViewSource In WPF, a ListView allows for quite a bit of flexibility. Let's take a look at filtering a ListView, using input being typed into a TextBox.