A more helpful exception box for WinForms apps If you're in a legacy codebase with a centralized "message box" form, why not add some features that make it work for you? 😏
How to log errors in WinForms using NLog Logs are a great tool for squashing bugs and tracing errors. Let's see how to add NLog to our project.
Can I write my own HTML tags? Can you create your own HTML tags? The answer is..... sorta. Yes and no. Not completely, but a little. Typical, I know.
Using MVP to test a WinForms app If you find yourself supporting a WinForms application, you're likely to notice the tests... or lack thereof. Just because we may not have been so focused on automated tests and continuous integration when WinForms was younger, that doesn't mean we can't introduce them now. Better late than never!
What is mocking a dependency? When you're writing tests, you generally don't want to write to the database, email customers, and hit third-party API's. That's why we need to know how to mock dependencies!
The right way to rethrow an exception in C# All programming languages have gotchas to trip you up, and C# is no exception. Today, let's check out the subtle (but significant) difference between "throw" and "throw ex".
Creating a basic Word Cloud in Python We've all seen word clouds, like in the sidebars of blogs, but let's see how we might create our own with a little bit of code!