Async, CancellationToken, and IProgress in 5 Short Examples
Async code isn't always intuitive, but practicing helps. Let's take a look at Async, CancellationToken, and IProgress, in a few short examples.

Learning to write code asynchronously does not come naturally, at least not for this dev. We're wired to give the majority of our attention to one thing at a time, so it can be difficult to write code that takes advantage of the fact that a computer can multitask very well.
A few years ago, I wrote an async article that shows (in a small way) how much faster it can be when we tell the computer to do many things at once. The trick is that we have to tell it which things can be done in parallel, and safely bring everything back together at the end.
I don't feel completely comfortable with async
yet, but learning to use and get comfortable with it really intrigues me, in the same way that LINQ did years ago. Here's a few examples I put together to show off a little async
code as well as cancellation tokens and how to report progress. I'm not running a lot of parallel code here, but I am running things in a way that the task can be canceled and the UI won't be locked up.
A 5-second Task that just completes
Here's a really simple example that just waits 5 seconds and then completes.
- Either the Run or the Cancel button (in later examples) should be enabled – never both at once
- Task.Delay effectively pauses for x seconds, in a way that won't block the UI
// ** AsyncUI form **
// Ex 1: Runs 5-second task and then completes
private async void btnRunTask1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
btnRunTask1.Enabled = false;
lblStatusAsync1.Text = "Running...";
await SimpleAsyncMethods.Example1Async();
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "An error occurred", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
btnRunTask1.Enabled = true;
lblStatusAsync1.Text = "Completed!";
// ** SimpleAsyncMethods class **
// Ex 1: Task.Delay is an easy way to simulate a long-running job
public static async Task Example1Async()
await Task.Delay(5000);
For all of these examples, like the one above, there's two classes at play.
The first is the code-behind file of a WinForms app, where the button click event methods live, but you can use this kind of logic in any .NET app. The second is a static class that defines what each Task
actually does.
A 5-second Task that auto-cancels in 3 seconds
Here's another simple example. It also waits 5 seconds, although it checks for a pending cancellation once a second, and cancels the Task
if needed. It also sets the CancellationTokenSource
to automatically cancel after 3 seconds, so it'll never run to completion.
- The
is configured to automatically cancel after 3 seconds - The
checks for a cancellation request every second, which throws anOperationCancelledException
if needed - The caller is catching the
to update the user
// ** AsyncUI form **
// Ex 2: Runs 5-second task for 3 seconds and then cancels it
// A CancellationTokenSource can be automatically canceled after a set delay
private async void btnRunTask2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// By using 'using', the CancellationTokenSource will be disposed of automatically
using CancellationTokenSource cancelTokenSource2 = new(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
await SimpleAsyncMethods.Example2Async(cancelTokenSource2.Token);
lblStatusAsync2.Text = "Completed!";
catch (OperationCanceledException)
// We can catch the OperationCanceledException and act on that
lblStatusAsync2.Text = "Canceled!";
// ** SimpleAsyncMethods class **
// Ex 2: By periodically calling ThrowIfCancellationRequested, we effectively check for a
// pending cancellation and throw an OperationCanceledException with a single line of code
public static async Task Example2Async(CancellationToken cToken)
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
await Task.Delay(1000);
I've left out most of the code that's enabling buttons, updating labels, etc, outside of stuff directly related to the Task
to reduce some of the clutter, but if you check out the code on GitHub, you'll see it's still doing it.
A 10-second Task that's user cancellable
This example adds something new – a button the user can press to cancel the Task
. It checks for a cancellation request every half-second for 10 seconds.
- The
method lets us specify code to run on cancellation, instead of catching the exception - The code will likely still throw an
, and here we'll just ignore it
// ** AsyncUI form **
// Ex 3: Runs 10-second task, during which it can be canceled
CancellationTokenSource _cancelTokenSource3;
private async void btnRunTask3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_cancelTokenSource3 = new();
// Instead of catching the OperationCanceledException, we can register some code to run if the token is canceled.
_cancelTokenSource3.Token.Register(() => lblStatusAsync3.Text = "Canceled!");
await SimpleAsyncMethods.Example3Async(_cancelTokenSource3.Token);
lblStatusAsync3.Text = "Completed!";
catch (Exception ex)
// Since cancellation is being handled by Register() above, we'll ignore it here
if (ex is not OperationCanceledException)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "An error occurred", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
// Dispose of the CancellationTokenSource to free up resources
private void btnCancelTask3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// ** SimpleAsyncMethods class **
// Ex 3: CancellationToken can be passed to, and handled by, other .NET classes that accept it
public static async Task Example3Async(CancellationToken cToken)
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
await Task.Delay(500, cToken);
An endless Task that's user cancellable
This one's just a slight variation of the last one, representing some Task
that runs a very long time (maybe any time the app is running).
- The
runs forever until the user presses the Cancel button to stop it - It checks every tenth of a second for a cancellation request
// ** AsyncUI form **
// Ex 4: Runs task indefinitely, during which it can be manually canceled
CancellationTokenSource _cancelTokenSource4;
private async void btnRunTask4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_cancelTokenSource4 = new();
_cancelTokenSource4.Token.Register(() => lblStatusAsync4.Text = "Canceled!");
await SimpleAsyncMethods.Example4Async(_cancelTokenSource4.Token);
lblStatusAsync4.Text = "Completed!";
catch (OperationCanceledException)
// Eat the exception or, assuming exceptions bubble up to be handled elsewhere (i.e. logging),
// remove this catch and allow it to be handled the same way
private void btnCancelTask4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// ** SimpleAsyncMethods class **
// Ex 4: A task can run indefinitely until its canceled
public static async Task Example4Async(CancellationToken cToken)
while (true)
await Task.Delay(100);
A 10-second Task that reports progress updates
This last example introduces one more concept – the IProgress<T>
construct, which allows us to send progress updates from the Task
to the caller.
- The
can be any type – here it's aTuple<int, string>
representing a percentage complete and a status message - The
returns a status update every second, which may be a message that it's been canceled - The
also throws anOperationCanceledException
on cancellation, because that's expected; as the caller, we can choose to ignore it - Since we're using a status message to update the user, we just eat the exception
// ** AsyncUI form **
// Ex 5: Runs 10-second task that's cancellable AND reports progress as it runs
CancellationTokenSource _cancelTokenSource5;
private async void btnRunTask5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_cancelTokenSource5 = new();
var progress = new Progress<(int percentage, string message)>();
progress.ProgressChanged += (_, update) =>
lblStatusAsync5.Text = update.message;
progBarTask5.Value = update.percentage;
await SimpleAsyncMethods.Example5Async(_cancelTokenSource5.Token, progress);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
// eat the exception.. nom nom nom
private void btnCancelTask5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// ** SimpleAsyncMethods class **
// Ex 5: By checking IsCancellationRequested, we can cancel a long-running task
// Also, the IProgress<T> construct lets us pass progress updates to the caller
public static async Task Example5Async(CancellationToken cToken, IProgress<(int,string)> progress)
var secondsToRun = 10m;
for (var i = 0; i < secondsToRun; i++)
var percentage = (int)((i + 1) / secondsToRun * 100);
await Task.Delay(1000);
// If we want to perform some additional logic on cancellation,
// we can throw an OperationCanceledException instead of using ThrowIfCancellationRequested
if (cToken.IsCancellationRequested && percentage != 100)
progress.Report((percentage, $"Canceled at {percentage}%"));
throw new OperationCanceledException("Ex 5 Canceled!", cToken);
progress.Report((percentage, $"{percentage}% Complete!"));
Learning More
If you'd like to read more, I've written a few other articles on async that may or may not be helpful.
One of the best sources I've found for all things async is Stephen Cleary's blog. After reading through his 5-part (as of the time of this writing) series on Cancellation recently, I decided to play around a bit and share what I learned – hence the article you just read. 😄
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