Accessing Census, Demographic, and Housing Data with the US Census Bureau API The US Census Bureau APIs provide free access to geolocation data, as well as American census data, demographics, housing stats, etc. Let's check them out!
Access Current and Historical Weather Data with the OpenWeatherMap API OpenWeatherMap provides free access to extensive weather data - current conditions, 5-day forecast, uv index, weather alerts, etc. Let's check out their API!
Learn About the ISS and its Crew with the ISS Notify API The ISS Notify API (or is it the Open Notify API?) was written by Nathan Bergey for a Science Hack Day competition, then released to the public. You can use it to find the location of the ISS, or to find when it'll pass over a location! Check it out.
Manage Boards and Cards With the Trello API Trello is a virtual kanban board... or a nice to-do list if you're going solo. I like it, maybe you will too, and their API makes nearly all areas accessible to devs.
View the Mars Rover, Landsat Images, and More with the NASA API NASA's API makes their data (such as Mars rover photos) available to anyone who wants to consume it. It's an unprecedented wealth of knowledge, so let's dig in!
Access Climate Data With the NOAA API The NOAA API lets us query weather and climate data from NOAA, an agency that studies and charts conditions in the oceans and atmosphere. Let's check it out!
Finding Directions, Coordinates and More With the Google Maps API The Google Maps API is a series of APIs for multiple platforms, each focused on a small set of tasks. At first it all seems a bit overwhelming, but each of them is pretty easy to use. Let's check a few out!