How to Create a Git Alias If you're unfamiliar with Git's "alias" feature, it provides a way to create shortcuts for other Git commands, which can save you a lot of time. They’re easy to setup and maintain too. Let's see how.
5 Things You Can Do With a Locally Cloned GitHub Wiki There’s a feature of every GitHub repo that in my experience doesn’t get a ton of love, and that's the wiki. In all fairness, I'm not sure how much love it deserves - it's sorely lacking in features. But did you know it's a separate repo that you can clone and manipulate locally?
Comparing Two Objects for Equality in C# It's common to compare two objects in C# for equality, such as for a save operation. Let's take a closer look at how we define what equal means.
Connecting an Analog Joystick to the Raspberry Pi One of the best things about the Raspberry Pi is its GPIO pins. They’re just sitting there, waiting to be connected to all kinds of interesting peripherals so your Pi can interact with the world around it. We can send alerts, attach sensors, and even plug cards like the
Creating a Flickering Candle Using an RGB LED on the Raspberry Pi After getting PWM (pulse-width modulation) to work with an RGB LED last week, I was trying to think of what else I could do with an LED that demonstrated changes in color as well as intensity. I’m not sure why – maybe it was because we lost power in our
How to Use Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) on an RGB LED and the Raspberry Pi If you buy a kit with random LEDs, wires, switches, etc, you’re likely to end up with one or two of those funky little LEDs that appears to be white, and has 4 wires instead of 2. I had set mine aside and made a mental note to figure
A Simon Game Clone for the Raspberry Pi Let's recreate the Simon game of the 1980s using a Raspberry Pi and Sonic Pi!