Great web comics for devs

Need a comic break? Here's some web comics I've stumbled upon over the years - the funny, sarcastic, informative, and just plain weird.

Great web comics for devs

Who couldn't use a little light-heartedness in their day? Or dry humor if that's what you're looking for? Or something educational in an easy to digest format?

Enjoy! (I know I will...)


CommitStrip is a fun comic about life as a developer, especially web development. The stories are the shared results of a group of devs from Europe and Asia, and if you've been a dev for any amount of time they'll hit close to home. 😃

Trapped - CommitStrip


XKCD by Randall Munroe is one of those comics it's tough to avoid, assuming you wanted to try. Like Seinfeld, they're so numerous and relatable they're quoted everywhere. He also writes What If?... serious scientific answers to absurd questions.

O RLY? Book Covers

Once in awhile an O RLY? (parody of O'Reilly) book cover pops up somewhere online. Who writes them? Where are they posted? I have no clue. They hit close to home too, but usually in a "too true.. too damn true" kinda way. 😏

Here's a collection of book covers, and you can even generate your own.

PHD Comics

PHD Comics by Jorge Cham has been around a long time, for Interweb standards anyway. It's a collection of hundreds (thousands?) of comics about university life... and probably a fair amount of other stuff too. Oh, and he has a book I'm thinking about getting.

Programming for Non-Programmers - PHD Comics
Gravitational Waves Explained - PHD Comics

The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal by Matthew Inman is hit or miss for me personally, but the degradation of social skills of a remote worker is pretty darned funny. 🧦

Why working at home is both awesome and horrible - The Oatmeal


MonkeyUser by Cornel and Constantin is another funny comic about life as a dev. The comic below is completely believable with some of the test suites in old monolithic apps. 💀

Tests Optimization - MonkeyUser


Julia Evans' zines are a really cool idea. What better way to learn about an array of topics than in graphic form? Go check them out and learn something new!

Linux Debugging Tools You'll Love - Julia Evans

Abstruse Goose

Abstruse Goose is yet another comic about random topics... although quite a few seem to be about development. Seriously, imagine how much less stress there'd be if Bob Ross taught programming classes! 🎨

The Happy Programmer - Abstruse Goose
How to Teach Yourself Programming - Abstruse Goose
Other People's Code - Abstruse Goose

Invisible Bread

Invisible Bread by Justin Boyd has a lot of just plain fun stuff. He's a developer too, but the comics are all over the place. Oh, and go read his about page for a secret. 🤫

My Wallet - Invisible Bread